The sun has just set and it was a beautiful vision. Although every day for me is a beauty, today was exceptional.
I have been praying for a grandchild since my daughter was 2 1/2 when the doctor told me because of medication my daughter would never have a child. I never mentioned it to her, but it was there in my heart, this silent prayer to the One I love the most, Ha Kodesh Baruch Hu.
There were a few troubles and traumas along the way even after her marriage over five years ago. I fought the want for jealousy at the grandmothers all around. I prayed and I prayed.
This Thanksgiving, tears are in my eyes, I spent the day with my daughter, my son (in law, but my son) and my grandson.
There are no words to describe how much I love the Rabbona shel olam. There are no words to tell Him thank you, believe me I've tried.
I love you Hashem, I am so grateful for everything, especially the Torah that you have given me.
Thank you for my own baby girl, and her son...my grandson.
As beautiful a photo as can be. Thank you for posting it and I can tell it is a very Happy Thanksgiving for you. This Christian wishes you and yours a blessed life.
Thank you, Gillian.
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