Derech Hashem - RamChal - http://www.feldheim.com/
Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzato
Translated by Aryeh Kaplan
Ramchal: Every Jew must believe and know that there exists a first Being, without beginning or end, Who brought all things into existence and continues to sustain them. This Being is God!
MH: This whole believe system that God is a kind of clock maker who made this clock called our world, wound it up and let it go on its own is blindness. God does not recreate the world once a year, a month or a day. He creates every nanosecond of every day new and fresh. That we see it as routine is depictive of the fact that we don't look deeply into any particular day.
Today I will have a combination of joys and frustrations that I have never experienced in the exact detail that they occur today.
Ramchal: It is further necessary to know that God's true nature cannot be understood at all by any being other than Himself.
MH: With each level I have achieved, it has been made clear to me that knowing God is a process and that I am on about mile forty-seven in a zezzazillion mile path. When I started on this path I thought I knew it all, and I still have to fight this trap of thinking.
Ramchal: The only thing we do know about Him is that He is perfect in every possible way and devoid of every conceivable deficiency.
MH: The most beautiful result of realizing this is when things get rough. I have to fight to embed this in my heart with each and every conflict, viccissitude that crops up. What I have noted though lately is that I am stronger and not so easily blow over by the yetzer hara.
Ramchal: It is also necessary to know that God's existence is imperative. It is abolutely impossible that He should cease to exist.
It is further necessary to know that God's existence does not depend on anything else at all. His existence is intrinsically imperative.
To be continued
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