Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Sitra Achra has won the election

My predictions:
1.) It will be a crime to believe the Torah, in that homosexuality is an abhorrence to God and completely immoral.
2.) Churches will be deemed the "wicked" and the tax free status will be revoked, and the churches will be told what they can and cannot teach.
3.) Statewide systems of school taxation will be modified to spread the money instead of working for your own community and the citizens thereof. There are no winners here, only destruction.
4.) Money will be distributed according to the plan of the "wisest One." Which will lead to a slave society, where no one has any hope.
5.) The welfare state will look like a "good" job and the workforce will figure out very quickly how to use the system. The end product is a lazy society just ripe for the picking. Slaves. This is what happened to the Russian people.
6.) The children will dabble in homosexuality which has it complications in the hormonal system of the human being. In other words, there is no turning back.
7.) A sense of entitlement only leads the population to the feeling that "everything" is theirs for the taking. The end product, theft the thing that caused the disasters in the only Book that will be banned by the government, the Torah.

This sounds impossible? Well it isn't, it has just begun. The Sitra Achra has won the election.

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