Thursday, January 8, 2009

For Am Yisroel, Hashem's Am Segulah

Oh Please Hashem, they hold the only power that can teach the world of absolute futility and warn of impending disaster.
They have the most powerful weapon in the world, Prayer.
Please open their eyes and bring them back to You.
In the zchuss of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, in the memory of Dovid Ha Melech and Yossef HaZaddik, l'had lik ner shel Am Yisroel to be the true Light unto the nations.
A Ness Nigla as you performed in 1967 (5727), Hashem.You did it then, 42 years ago which is 6 X 7, very significant warning, Sir.
Let the Chanina ben Dosa's of our generation realize their strength and call this a time of change in the Jewish heart and mind, period.
As great Tzaddiks are the one's with the words to change the generation, dor v dor, let the great Torah Sages of today call this Rashit and not ketz.
Please, Hashem, please. Todah.

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